CJIS Security Policy 5.4 is here!
On October 6th, 2015 the FBI released the latest version of the CJIS Security Policy, Version 5.4. Although most of the changes are cosmetic in nature such as changing the words “police vehicle” to “criminal justice conveyance” and “law enforcement officer” to “criminal justice professional”, there are some areas that are more important.
In the world of virtualization, section and Appendix A have all been updated to give better definitions on the technology including partitioning and operating systems. Another new addition is section 5.5.6 which covers “virtual escorting”. Simply put, this is where the responsible person in the law enforcement agency must “escort” remote IT support who is not on site, but using a remote access tool to due their work.
A link to the policy as well as a Summary of Approved Changes can be found at under Compliance Information.